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16 Resources to Help You Become an Expert at Employer Branding

We say it time and time again. Investing in your employer brand is SO important. But we won’t lie. It’s not something you can easily check off your to-do list and be done with. It’s something that takes time, energy and nurturing to get it to where it needs to be. Luckily for you, we’ve created a list of helpful resources that will make creating your employer brand a bit easier. 



Just getting started? Here are some resources that cover the importance of employer branding, will help you understand where your brand stands where it is now, and will help show you how you can get started creating (or revamping) your own employer brand. 

themuse: Everything you ever wanted (and needed) to know about creating and promoting a brand that attracts the right candidates. 

Glassdoor: This guide walks you through all things employer branding, whether you’re new to employer branding or if you already have yours in place. 

EBnavi: An all-in-one platform to audit your employer brand. 

LinkedIn Handbook: Tips, checklists, and tech for building a successful brand. 

Column Five: A guide to create a unique proposition that attracts the right kind of candidates. 

Pivot + Edge eBooks: These aren’t your standard, stuffy eBooks! We promise you’ll learn something. 


Have an employer brand but still need more help?🤔

Already have your employer brand processes set up but need a few more tips to push it that extra mile? Here are some resources (including courses, platforms, content creation etc.) for all things employer branding. 

Employer Branding on LinkedIn Course: Course that demonstrates how to build an effective and consistent company brand on LinkedIn. 

Canva: A graphic design platform used to help create logos, social media graphics and other visual content. 

Seenit: A user-generated video platform to collect and edit video from your business to attract talent, enhance employer brand, and engage colleagues. 

Employer Branding to Attract Talent Course: This course helps employers understand what top talent considers when evaluating organizations as potential employers, and explains how to build an employer brand to attract talent and keep it compelling and relevant. 

Recruitee: An easy and automated recruiting software meant to bring hiring teams together, boost your sourcing and automate your hiring. (Psst! As recruiters ourselves, Recruitee is our platform of choice!😏) 


Measure the impact📈

Unsure of the impact of your startup’s employer brand? We promise you it’s making a difference! Here are some resources to measure the ROI/effectiveness. 

Glassdoor: What benchmarks to set for tracking the growth of your employer brand. 

LinkedIn Article: how you can measure the effectiveness of your branding activities. 

Stories: The ROI of employer branding and recruitment marketing (and a calculator!). 


Create a culture employees want🙌

Company culture and employee engagement is critical in your retention efforts and also a very high priority when building an employer brand. For more tips and ideas on how to improve engagement and create a culture that employees are excited about, check these out: 

Bonusly: Here are some easy, actionable company culture ideas you can implement today to improve your organization, both in the short and long term. 

Culture Amp: A platform to empower teams and fuel positive change with employee engagement, performance, and development. 


Still feel like you’re teetering between not knowing enough about employer branding and feeling like you’ve got it figured out? Well, you’ve come to the right place because we happen to be experts in all things employer branding! Get in touch with us anytime, and we’d be happy to help you integrate an employer branding strategy into your startup’s business plan.

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