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What Candidates Want to Know about your Company


With online jobs becoming increasingly available, your ideal candidate relies on more than a job opening and description to hit Apply. It’s no longer a matter of interviewing potential new hires and taking your pick. In fact, as much as you interview them — they’re interviewing you, too. Candidates often approach new job opportunities with a “they need me more than I need them” attitude. What exactly makes a company desirable? Take a peek at some of these recruitment tips and discover what job candidates want to know about your company.


The new generation entering the workforce puts a premium on what your company stands for. Create a values page on your website, include clear-cut statements in your company profile, and use tools like video and social media to promote the things you support and your company’s core values. If a candidate thinks they can get on board with your values, they can align with your goals and contribute to the company as a whole.

Tell your company story

Humanized companies are more appealing to job candidates as they want to relate to their workplace. Nothing does it quite as well as how you got your start. While you may currently be in a growth stage, people want to know how hard you worked to get there. Your company story also reiterates your company values and foundations.

Other stories that candidates want to hear are those of current employees. Ask your team to share their favourite work experiences. These will be perfect examples for potentials to get a glimpse of your team culture and the people they may call colleagues. We spend most of our time with co-workers, so job candidates want that inside scoop. Employee stories help create credibility and context to your company story and reinforce core values.

Company brand and company culture

Speaking of stories, they also go a long way in establishing and demonstrating company culture and overall brand. Job candidates want to know what it feels like to be a part of your team.

“The working environment and team dynamics can make or break an employee’s experience at the company.”

Having your company culture speak for itself helps self-starter introverts or collaborative team players know whether this is the right fit from day one. This prevents several problems down the road, like employee disengagement or low retention. A strong online and social media presence also aids in establishing the company brand and feel for potential hires.

Your story, coupled with employee enthusiasm, can do many things. It saves you from several hiring and retention issues while helping make your business a desirable place to work. By including insight on your website to your brand, culture, and company values, more ideal candidates will start finding you rather than you seeking them out over a lengthy recruitment process. While potential new hires may still come into it thinking they have the upper hand, having this information may push them to choose you.

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